Monday, February 29, 2016

pb&jamie where's my flask....

weekend was great conversations, music, food with fun people. Too fast as usual.

the new Montlake Cut was yum...just sooo loud..(oy I'm getting old)  
and yikes it's ridiculous how much cocktails cost...(maybe going pb&j tonight to compensate? ha)
or maybe seriously contemplate taking my flask everywhere again... 

Jamie uber'ing -  he'd basically turn it on and he'd get pinged, by that tell it's crazy how many people use it. 
I think he liked it, it's a good way to keep from getting bored, and only one shady-ish story of the five rounds he's done so far.

Finished the third "others" book - eh...not sure I'll hang on to read the 4th.
and another YA -  Bad Girls Don't Die - reminded me of my "goosebumps" days when i was 10. Just a little more grown up. I actually did like the lead...I could relate to her - just overall, and especially toward the end, it read disjointed. Not bad, but  I don't think I'll continue here either. 
Also finished, Nora Roberts' Stars of Fortune it reads so much like the other series of hers ...umm something cross?...I forget what it was called. But I liked the series, (also like a pb&j) it's good enough for when nothing else I'll likely continue as an "in-between" book.
Tried Green's -  Abundance of Katherine's and lost interest.

turns out a couple friends are heading to our portland/seattle baseball trip with us. yay!

not so great news - there was a police helicopter circling my neighborhood yet again last night. And armed robbery with a fatality 5 minutes from my house a couple hours ago. what the f is going on!!!

Friday, February 26, 2016

i have a friend that went to see trump in fort worth today. oy.
he said as he left he got called a racist and was told he looked like donald trump.
ouch. harsh.

i asked him if he wanted to go to the bernie show tomorrow in Grand Prairie just to see what the other side would yell at him. ha.

do people yelling like that really think that makes things better?

Moving on...the husband was approved to become an uber driver...finally!!!...after a year of talking him into it.
All those in-between times of no-sports-on-tv and/or yard work to do when he drives me bonkers?
This should solve that.
No one can say I'm not a problem solver!!! 

So dear uber riders, thank you in advance for entertaining my husband! yay!.... I'm also interested in what kindsa stories he'll bring home. Lord knows we've been unintentional fodder for entertainment for a couple uber drivers ourselves... *smh* heh.

Think we are going to say screw the allergies and go check out the Bottle Rockets tonight.
Dinner at the new Badovinus restuarant with friends tomorrow.
Brunch with friends down in Deep Ellum Sunday.
Full line up. wooo.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Loop da loop, upside down in reverse

Stop this ride I want to get off quick
It’s making me nervous, it’s makin’ me sick
These ups and downs, complete turn arounds
Makes me realize how good stability sounds

...CAUSE they'll be here Friday and hopefully sing this song!
 (I think we're going?).....and this song is so apropos in more ways than one..
I'm early voting today. I've decided on what I'm doing...for the primary anyway. 

Otherwise, still trudging along reading Anne Bishop's third "others" book - ugh trrrruuuuudging along. I seriously am bothered by "filler" books

Also, wrote on my congressman's fb page yesterday asking if the costs to maintain Guantanamo Bay factor in to him "strongly opposing the closing" of it.

OF course I don't "want radical terrorists in our communities"!... those detainees won't be transferred to "our communities" - why would he say that?

 I just don't understand (and perhaps I'm missing something).... BUT from what I'm reading - the cost to maintain guantanamo bay is crazy.

It didn't make sense to keep Alcatraz open -  how does it make sense to keep this one open?

The thing I like about GOP ideology is fiscal responsibility.
That's why I don't shut myself off from voting for a republican candidate.
Seriously...I can be swayed...but using scare tactics and being obstinate in "not wanting to do it because Obama wants to do it" is exhausting.

Just do what's right and/or makes the most logical sense...i don't freaking care what party you are....ugh.

Monday, February 22, 2016

act like it

yep a weekend of being a total homebody. (It was grand but I'm officially sick of being sick. its "on" this weekend. Snotty or not here I come. You can't hide. hehheheheeee.)

Watched Brown Sugar, I forget how much I like her acting/story telling. (and his).
I still say Love and Basketball is one of the best love story movies.
When she tries to be there for him and he breaks up with her! ugh idiot! *sigh* 

....another one like Keira Knightly's Pride and Prejudice that I have to stop and watch if I find it on tv

me ^
But not really cause there was no way my raggedy-ness looked even close to this.
I did have breakfast with my aunt. The real estate isn't holding her over very well. She started crying when I offered her money if she needed it. And she's not a crier. It must be pretty hard. Won't ever forget living paycheck to paycheck through college and your aunt lending you money or co-signing on an apartment to hold you over though. I know a lot of people aren't so lucky. 
It's interesting...she said she signed up for insurance through ACA last year and all they did was charge her money she didn't have only to have "the good' doctors not accept it when she did go.  It worries me.

Finished Act Like It - Lucy Parker - I liked the un-apologetic-ness of London characters and the not love at first sight. Good one. I bet that one would be a good movie. 
and Anne Bishop's #2 of the Others - and halfway through  #3 - I mean i'm still involved...the thing with this YA is it's kinda dumbed down in some scenes? I'm skipping a little.  And I'm still not sure why everyone likes the lead so much? Plus,  the whole cutting thing is kinda creepy. Of any character, I think Tess should have more play. She's rad.  AND I just found out there's a 4th book! whyyyy!? ugh

and i've been given more stuff at work...bleh.

Friday, February 19, 2016

baseball! and (most) y'all 90's babies

after a long hiatus this is gonna be a baseball trip year. Flights to Seattle and Minnesota (ballparks 13 &14?) to see my boys are booked.
Also gonna see  Portland (I picture a bunch a 20 something hipsters roaming around) but the food...oh the food! I can't wait.

Speaking of 20's so interesting watching those in my "sphere" -  I kinda want to tell them where I think they're going wrong. big sister style (with some fun gifs):

"don't stop talking/doing things with your friends now that you found a girl/boy friend. Those friends will save your ass when it goes to shit. (and at some point it will)"

"stop trying to be what you think an adult is. Really being an adult is boring and stressful. Just don't f up your credit score and you're good. "

"no you don't own misery. you don't know everything. And the world owes you nothing"

"saying "no" or "i can't" is a million times preferred over non-responsiveness that's become so popular in you jerk faces"

"yes i see he totally loves you but I don't see it on your end. You're wasting his (and your) time"

but well it wouldn't do any good if I said anything.
I know I probably wouldn't have listened....and really -  live and learn right?

thing is, (i'm generalizing here)  i'm not sure this up and coming generation handles set-backs the greatest...and it's like they feel too much or don't feel anything at all. 
Annnnd communication with every single one (of the ones I know) is strange...i swear it's like they have to process...normal conversation doesn't come naturally to them. They get going and feel comfortable and surprise you at how smart they are but then next time you see them the process starts again strange, and fascinating and fun to witness! 

It's Friday and I'm just feelin eh...can't shake the sinus/cough stuff. Feelin a movie/book night comin on...Got new Emma Chase.
I watched the new Mad Max last night. huh? the old one was much better.....

And so i guess "90's baby" is my theme today cause I'm diggin this new "90's" Texas gal.

I'm not the hero in the story
I'm not the girl that gets the glory
Cause you're looking for true love
And I'm not the one
But I wish, but I wish I was

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

not a nice wife thing to say

So Jamie's leaving on a bachelor party weekend to Cancun soon.
I told him to please remove himself from postings on facebook, cause it's embarrassing to say I'm married to someone who has friends that think it's a good idea to go on booze cruises in Cancun .

Even in high school and college I thought all that was so lame. Even worse now that we're grown.

I know...that's not a nice wife thing to say but whatever...he agrees with me.

so Dear mid-life-crisis men,
On behalf of all women who agree -  I'd like to tell you a secret (that's not really a secret) - it's a HUGE red flag and there aren't many things more pathetic than trying to recreate your youth in asinine manners such as
-talking constantly about: yourself/how much money you have/ how great you are, 
-a weird obsession with cars/corvettes, 
-creepy  flirting with barely legal girls (or women in general really) 
-and going on booze cruises in Cancun.  

Moving on - tried another "rock" book - Sweet as Sin - J.T. Geissinger- and pretty much again disappointed in the "I'm not that kind of girl but I really am".
Read Grace Burrowes - Groom wore plaid - she should've been smarter in figuring out where the f her money went!
Tried a Jennifer McQuiston and she's not my style got bored.

DL'd a few more but for now started re-reading "MacRieve" for enjoyment....

Also we saw The Intern - i mostly liked it but for the end - wtf?! seriously?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I vote neti pot!!! otherwise non-committal (for now)

I'd like to thank the neti pot, yes you feel weird but you're f'n awesome -  I don't know why more people don't like you -  allergies in this damn city are ridiculous. 

and so 9 month mark -  again I'm interested in the presidential election (when most everyone else I know isn't) - regardless here's what I've got so far for those I think have a chance:

Cruz - never have, never will vote for him. FAKE fake fake
Trump - no bully no 
Rubio - you're kinda contradictory. stance on immigration -  being that you're a first generation son of immigrants? BUT there are things I agree with you on, and you seem like an alright guy, so I think I like you? (Plus, my friend helped you get elected in florida and I liked my friend.)
Hillary - bought out? and anndd...I dunno...somethings not clicking here.
Bernie - you're a bit of a mess and it makes me smile? hmm just not sure how it's going to work money/ tax -wise....

all the money being spent is ridiculous....i hope i live long enough for an intelligent, thoughtful, no bullshit person to be able to just come up and say

"I'm running for President. No super PAC.  Here's why you should vote for me - here is what I think is right (xxx)  BUT I admit I can't possibly know everything and I won't speak falsely and really all I want to do is stay out of your business - but because I  do care, my job as commander in chief is to make the difficult decisions. I'll do that by being informed.
I'll pull a team of diplomats and together we will consult and develop relationships with our country's top representatives and scholars (NOT elected officials): Generals for military, Economics professors for the economy, CEO of Joyful Heart Foundation for Women, head of the NRA, head of NAMI,  Executive Director of Death with Dignity etc etc etc etc etc.  There's a reason they've dedicated their careers to being at the the top of their unique organization - they have a passion for it, they are the INFORMED, their input is invaluable......and  blah blah blah blah."

SUPER bonus points if you keep your jibber jabber under 5 minutes....
annnnnnd then you might just get this middle class (ish?), female vote! Yay!  easy peasy You're welcome.
ok i know not that easy (and yes probably a whole lot of naivete) but dammit i'm so sick of the bs of "my side is better than yours so lets get nothing done" ....

My car played me Wade Bowen today. So Wade Bowen it is!
Well I’m the lone survivor of the wreckage that is left
I brought the walls down baby, I made all this mess
Lying in the ashes, I must confess
Oh you had me at my best

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

reckless and I'm doin alright!

oy -  all the superbowl gaga and beyonce and famous people adoration (or loathing) on social media...

I mean I appreciate talent and entertainment (or don't) but not quite sure I understand the overabundance? especially the hateful things people can't possibly make people feel better to spew nastiness like that? 

Really I kinda want to offer any famous person our extra bedroom,
we can go sit at a bar, read together or marathon watch golden girls, their choice - cause really it must be wearing and mentally exhausting to be constantly surrounded by that extreme energy.
Plus my dog loves to make new friends and give kisses. 

speaking of friends! - lord knows I've got NOLA love but fat tuesday celebration- we're going wine and tapas tonight.
we've hit the point of avoiding the amateurs and massively marketed holidays altogether really.
Especially valentine's day for me and jamie....(mostly me) ugh vomit the unrealistic expectations on this "assigned day". Women who terrify their men on this day should be ashamed of themselves and must MUST stop reading Cosmo articles titled "sex moves - awaken your force, light his saber" thinking that will make everything better....ugh.....

and so book-wise:
My American Dutchess - good! kinda fluffy-but-i-don't-care quick read. wonder how she's gonna bring the brother around?
Wicked, Sexy Liar - good, read it through....I think I figured out what was bothering me about this one.... I think it's his age? Not to sound like a hypocrite, being that I met Jamie when I was 22 -  but, 24, (especially for his character) is too young to settle them that way.
I've seen it too many times where people rush into things (or are pressured into settling) and it always ends wrong.

ooo it's 5:14. Almost time to go.....It's a reckless day today!:
I got a phone call today
from a girl who walked away
But I hung it up before I heard what it was she had to say
Hey say may
Well I drank all day
Damnit I told her
I'm doin' alright

Friday, February 5, 2016

beware the quiet bookworm

GOOD MOOD friday! yaaasss! tick tock tick tock (...5:30?)
(....and I can't wait till we can break up outta here. oh oh oh. Here - (yes *I'm loving this song*))

and I'm feelin sassy and I've got my face on and I'm here to party (with the best of them)'d been AGES since I've listened to mainstream radio. 
Lo and behold  I land on KissFM and heard this new(?) girl singing a story that i could so relate to (even now in my married years.)  Go girl....

"I'm sorry if I seem uninterested
Or I'm not listenin' or I'm indifferent
Truly, I ain't got no business here...."

*Except I do dance and I'm not always an "anti-social pessimist". Life lesson #43 - for your own sake (to make things easier for yourself) ya just gotta fake being interested sometimes - it's just part of adulting....
But really... as I've gotten older (and when I'm in the mood) I freaking love talking to people - ESPECIALLY the ones who surprise me. 
Like the bookworm in the corner by herself (who may or may not might be me) ....

Finished Stygian's Honor - the girl lead was very wishy washy - it got on my nerves. I liked him I guess. Really just kinda "eh" all around...

Got a weekend of going out planned...yay..tick tock tick tock.....

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

great American! (of MEX and CAN)

I feel a little bit of a poser being a facebook member of the Canada Club of North Texas
... but well... there's still a bit of nostalgia from living there through my elementary school years I guess?
I'm still interested - and what few memories I still have from growing up there are good ones.

Interesting too (now that I look back)
coming from El Paso - desert, Mexican-Spanish lilted English, where everyone had dark hair/eyes like me 
to Calgary, (T2K 2P8!)  90% light hair/eyes, prairie, clean air, and blessed, blessed snow.  (lord I think I miss the snow the most....) 

I was never, not once (that I can recall), made to feel like I didn't belong.
I guess kids in 1st grade don't notice those things.
Or maybe El Pasoan kids and Canadian kids in the first grade aren't taught that different = bad. 
So it was an easy transition  - and for that Canada will always be a special place for me.

(, coming back to El Paso for middle school with my mostly forgotten Spanish, Canadian-lilted English is another story.... ugh wretched year.)! a FB member of the North Texas Canada club -  noticed when a fellow member posted the below video:

I think it should be a bit of an eye opener to see how other countries see us.
Us(A)...- my great nation that (i agree) needs help making it good again....

Reading Lora Leigh's Stygian story. Eh...just eh so far. 
Right now there are so many new books that have come out that I want to read, I chucked them all to fill in the (my) blank of the Breed series (yep still hanging onto it)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

made me want to have a drink

looks like we're heading back to New Orleans next month for a friends 40th. wooo.

we tried a New Orleans restaurant up in Frisco over the weekend - not bad for what it was.
I forget the kids evvverywhere up there. lord.- all the exhausted mothers and chaos children made me want to have a drink for them. 

We also went to the lakehouse (ahh the quiet) and so I got to read.
  • the Nightingale - yep pretty much a minor sobfest the last 20% of the book. I knew it!
  • the final Spindle Cove - not at all believable but I think my favorite of the series. Quick easy read. 
  • the first of (YA?) The Others - took a bit to switch gears (and worlds). I don't really have much of a picture of who the lead really is and why everyone just liked her.   I guess that's coming...? Liked it enough to line for the next one though.
In a angst ridden Jack Ingram mood today:
The neon's burning both ends of another night
Everybody's living way to loud
Workin' hard to act like every thing's alright
Anything to keep from coming down

Oh fool, you're fooling yourself
Don't you know that closing time will tell
And if you think you're fooling anybody else
Oh fool, you're fooling yourself