the new Montlake Cut was yum...just sooo loud..(oy I'm getting old)
and yikes it's ridiculous how much cocktails cost...(maybe going pb&j tonight to compensate? ha)
or maybe seriously contemplate taking my flask everywhere again...
Jamie uber'ing - he'd basically turn it on and he'd get pinged, by that tell it's crazy how many people use it.
I think he liked it, it's a good way to keep from getting bored, and only one shady-ish story of the five rounds he's done so far.
Finished the third "others" book - eh...not sure I'll hang on to read the 4th.
and another YA - Bad Girls Don't Die - reminded me of my "goosebumps" days when i was 10. Just a little more grown up. I actually did like the lead...I could relate to her - just overall, and especially toward the end, it read disjointed. Not bad, but I don't think I'll continue here either.
Also finished, Nora Roberts' Stars of Fortune it reads so much like the other series of hers ...umm something cross?...I forget what it was called. But I liked the series, (also like a pb&j) it's good enough for when nothing else I'll likely continue as an "in-between" book.
Tried Green's - Abundance of Katherine's and lost interest.
turns out a couple friends are heading to our portland/seattle baseball trip with us. yay!
not so great news - there was a police helicopter circling my neighborhood yet again last night. And armed robbery with a fatality 5 minutes from my house a couple hours ago. what the f is going on!!!