It’s making me nervous, it’s makin’ me sick
These ups and downs, complete turn arounds
Makes me realize how good stability sounds
...CAUSE they'll be here Friday and hopefully sing this song!
I'm early voting today. I've decided on what I'm doing...for the primary anyway.
Otherwise, still trudging along reading Anne Bishop's third "others" book - ugh trrrruuuuudging along. I seriously am bothered by "filler" books
Also, wrote on my congressman's fb page yesterday asking if the costs to maintain Guantanamo Bay factor in to him "strongly opposing the closing" of it.
OF course I don't "want radical terrorists in our communities"!... those detainees won't be transferred to "our communities" - why would he say that?
I just don't understand (and perhaps I'm missing something).... BUT from what I'm reading - the cost to maintain guantanamo bay is crazy.
It didn't make sense to keep Alcatraz open - how does it make sense to keep this one open?
The thing I like about GOP ideology is fiscal responsibility.
That's why I don't shut myself off from voting for a republican candidate.
Seriously...I can be swayed...but using scare tactics and being obstinate in "not wanting to do it because Obama wants to do it" is exhausting.
Just do what's right and/or makes the most logical sense...i don't freaking care what party you are....ugh.