i have a friend that went to see trump in fort worth today. oy.
he said as he left he got called a racist and was told he looked like donald trump.
ouch. harsh.
i asked him if he wanted to go to the bernie show tomorrow in Grand Prairie just to see what the other side would yell at him. ha.
do people yelling like that really think that makes things better?
Moving on...the husband was approved to become an uber driver...finally!!!...after a year of talking him into it.
All those in-between times of no-sports-on-tv and/or yard work to do when he drives me bonkers?
This should solve that.
No one can say I'm not a problem solver!!!
So dear uber riders, thank you in advance for entertaining my husband! yay!.... I'm also interested in what kindsa stories he'll bring home. Lord knows we've been unintentional fodder for entertainment for a couple uber drivers ourselves... *smh* heh.
Think we are going to say screw the allergies and go check out the Bottle Rockets tonight.
Dinner at the new Badovinus restuarant with friends tomorrow.
Brunch with friends down in Deep Ellum Sunday.
Full line up. wooo.