Thursday, February 5, 2015

I liked the book cover better

Finally finished Viper Game - I don't remember the last time it took me this long to finish a book.

As I've said, I like the action in this series, paired with cool genetic enhancements, character chemistry and sexy times - it's usually a winner for me. This time ...not so much.

She's got me hooked just enough though. I'm the 11th book in and I still want to see how it ends. Who knows when that will be. FOR -EVvv-ER...

I did like the book cover ...her latest ones are actually both pretty rad and stayed true to the character description (and no, i don't know why i'm book cover obsessed. I read on a kindle for cryin out loud.)

I also read a free teaser book - a New Adult (maybe leading into BDSM?) about her best friend's brother. Eh, the gal seemed a bit of an airhead and got on my nerves. I'll stop at the free one thanks.

Tried reading the YA Revolution. Gave up a few chapters in - bummer too cause I love dual story lines!- I just can't understand depression and destructiveness to that degree. I think it's so selfish to constantly bring misery to yourself and everyone surrounding you - especially as a result from a death of a loved one.

I mean - I get mourning -  but do you really think that loved one would want that shroud of misery for you? It negates the love and taints the memory (in my opinion)....
Maybe the book came around? But it lost me to where I didn't care to find out.
I'll stick to Susanna Kearsley for my dual story lines - she does it so well. Next.

yikes...i just noticed that I just had a bit of a bitchfest?

I'm actually in a pretty good mood! We just locked in our Hawaii trip and I've now started in on researching for that. Most everyone thinks I'm weird but I swear...for me it's like wedding planning...half the fun of traveling is the planning of it!