Thursday, January 28, 2016

The power went out last night for like three hours. It was kinda neat. It's amazing how we don't realize how much noise electricity makes.

Before Jamie got home I was this: peaceful, kindle reading in the dark with candles and my dog:

Then Jamie got home. (He is the tail. i am the little dog) 

(but not dirty (this time) fyi ....cause I just realized how this could be construed that way ;))

no choice but for him to finally rig his light enough to settle down and read with me.
Thank you Smithsonian channel for kindling his interest in bonnie and clyde (and thank you me for getting him the biography for christmas in hopes he'd actually read it)

I was able to focus on reading mine -  Yes still trudging along. I'm now more informed on the Nazi invasion of France.  And the book itself is actually more interesting as it goes.

So interesting how they go through Basque region to San Sebastian.
We toured up to Saint Jean de Luz ! we were right there! and I know exactly how it's described! 
I love it when that happens.

A lot in reading is just imagination based on the words, but when she describes it, I know exactly how that rain feels and how the Pyrenees angle down forming a natural barrier to that castle point.
Man I wanna go just feels right, there. 

The black out did result in my amazon shopping of a lantern and more candles though. Kinda creepy how being without electricity makes you realize how dependent you are on it.....