Jamie and I have differing recollections on how exactly we met. we were both a little tipsy on a ladies night at a country dancehall a long time ago.
Here's my version (THE TRUE ONE)... i think? -
I'd told the guy I had just started dating that I'd meet up with him at the dancehall after work.
He's there but he didn't want to dance, he said he wanted to talk to his friend instead.
So I said "ok, see ya in a while. I'm going to look around to see if I can find a guy to dance with." Not bitch-like...but he didn't expect me to just stand around right?
(oy...now that I think about it...did he? I'm sooo bad at the game playing thing.)
I couldn't find any older guys (they're seriously the best dancers!!! ...the gals and I always called dibs on the older 50+ guys when we wanted to dance. They're country dancing gold.)
BUT I see a couple of guys close by and I ask one if he'd like to dance.
He says "no".
I say "fine" and walk away.
I guess he liked how i walked away ? cause he changed his mind and caught up to me.
The fact that he actually could dance was a nice - yeah he was cute but so am I *yep not very humble right now I know*
so what else ya got right?
Well... I found out he liked my kind of music AND he was funny. I liked him.
Later on that night, he finds me, we dance again, then he pulls me aside and asks for my number.
Well... I didn't realize it at the time but he had pulled me right next to the guy I was dating. I mean, he and his friend were right behind me and saw me give my number to Jamie.
UGH... it wasn't like I was "exclusive" with the guy, we'd been on three dates...but still, that was a Bitch move on my part. I own that.
Regardless, Jamie and I set a time to meet somewhere a couple of days later.
I show up 20 minutes early (cause honestly... I was tipsy...I don't really remember what he looked like two days ago).
Well... I see a guy pull up in his truck at the exact same time I do.
I see him. He sees me ....we kinda walk towards each other with the "is it you" question mark on our faces.
Sure enough. It was us. And we go on from there.
Yep...that's it...
Jamie will agree with all of the above except he says he thinks I had asked his friend to dance first.
That his friend had said no and so I had turned to him and asked him as "sloppy seconds."
So he said no based on the insult, but then changed his mind.
oh welll... we'll never know
...but I'm pretty sure I"m right.
So back to present day ....we tried the new-ish restaurant/concert venue - The Rustic in Dallas over the weekend, co-owned by Pat Green - I've liked his music about 15+ years now - it's gotta be good right?
Oy... bad start when the bartender tells us he doesn't like alcohol and he's "just here for the money" as he's making me a terrible drink. Not only that, Kenny Chesney and friends is playing in the background the whole time. We are in Texas yes? Where's my music? What the heck? All this place was, was yet another "Dallas" kitcsh tourist place. Jamie and I just rolled our eyes and left. I wish Hank's in McKinney was closer...
Speaking of hot and cold - read Obsidian (YA paranormal girl next door meets "not so ordinary" neighbors - Lux series). I liked Daemon, the male lead, he definitely runs hot and cold. J. Armentrout has written him/them well though so I'll try to hang on to finish the series. Also read Still the One (what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas, childhood romance re-united story). Not bad either.
Next up is The Husband's Secret. I know nothing about it and have no idea why I had it in my queue. We'll see!!