I'm one of the few still holding out on getting a smart phone. Though convenient yes... I'm not the biggest fan of what cell phones (especially smart phones) have done to society and people's ability to have a basic conversation and/or relationships.
Hypocrite I am though, I borrow Jamie's work phone for checking/in and posting pics on Facebook.Ha! Can't help it!!
Regardless - I read this article a while back that makes the argument that you don't really need that many friends. I agree with the logic (it's worked for me all these years). So as far as FB went, I continued that rationality and recently "unfriended" a lot of people.
I felt like a big "B" - but really... besides maybe being slightly insulted (which isn't at all my intention!) I'm 90% sure those people wouldn't care that they were unfriended by me.
So, while yes I have a general curiosity about people and their thoughts...if interest isn't mutual and reciprocated there's really no point in maintaining that sort of uncertain online relationship right?
That article also said that in 2004, 25% of Americans stated they didn't have anybody to talk to. Wow! I wonder how many of those people are actually ok with that?
Makes me think of Shiloh Walker's Locked in Silence... which reminds me, I need to check back on that series...I wonder if it was cancelled? Noooooo!