I'm on the third book of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. This YA series has tremendous use of imagination (which I love). Very Pan's Labyrinth movie-esqe. Apocalyptic, sacrifice/redemption, star-crossed love story.
One thing I'm finding I don't like (that this author uses a little too much) is starting a chapter where it's clear something has happened and then the author backs into explaining what happened. It's equivalent to a stutter for me...it stops the story from flowing. Regardless, I like this series. It's a good story. I hope it ends well.
Other decent YA series: Legend , Maze Runner , The Uglies, Trylle, Enders Game (although that last book lost my interest) of course Hunger Games and Divergent (not Allegiant). Most favorite is Kresley Cole's Arcana Chronicles though! I'm obsessed!