Just saw that The Handmaid's Tale is on sale for $1.99 on Amazon. I hope that gets people to read it.
It's a disturbing, thought-provoking story. You've gotta be in the "deep thoughts" mood though, otherwise it's just depressing and oddly written.
While I admit I have slight morbid obsession with cemeteries/graveyards (look how beautiful this one was in Kenmare, Ireland! I could've been here all day.)
I, for the most part, don't scout out darkly themed genres like horror, mystery or anything else that's meant to bring me down.
Well... anymore anyway.... I was consumed with Stephen King and Dean Koontz when I was a teenager. "IT" was so traumatizing I think I read it several times and I still have a lingering fear of clowns.
This especially sucks when you sit at a bar on Halloween and your bartender is a clown (the stupidly scary one from the new umm... what is that tv show called?... American Asylum Story...or somesuch)
So give me trying for HEA or humor or adventure any day over scaring/depressing myself. Thank you very much!