So the RT convention (apparently a mega convention for romance authors/readers) is here in Dallas in May.
I'm debating going...I did drive 45 minutes to see Kresley Cole when she came into town a while back. She was promoting Lothaire and the cover model was there. They were both really nice.
I love that she's decided (not anytime soon I hope) to end the IAD series with Nix's story. She said that's going to be really hard since Nix is so messed up.
What I liked most though was being able to talk to the people in line about her books and them actually know what I'm talking about! It boggles my mind how hard it is to find people that like to read!
Ugh ok I guess I talked myself into it. I'd regret it if I didn't go to the convention where a lot of my favorite authors will be.
Also, read The Duke and I, it read a little disjointed veering toward the manipulative at the end.
There was one scene where I was like "what?! that's just wrong" but overall I liked the instant/easy chemistry between Daphne and Simon.
I'll likely finish this series eventually.
Lastly, saw Mockingjay #1. I think it could've been made into one movie. My sister thinks that they're not setting Gale up to follow through in his major role for how it ends in the book.
I hope they don't change it. That was an epic ending.