Frenched almost lost me at the beginning, she was a little too whiny, but I told myself to hang on - she was jilted after all.
Also bought Night Shift, specifically for the Nalini Singh Psy/Changeling story.
Bastien's story was just ok - not a fan of his gal choice.
Whiny/needy....I get bored by those kinds of girls and they're unfortunately in so many romance novels.
Still - I loved the cameos (yay Mercy!) and since there's been a lot of Psy stories lately I liked the return to the changeling.
Couldn't finish the next two stories in this anthology. They lost me quickly.
Was able to finish the last story - forget what it was called - the author was Milla Vane.
It's fantasy. Which doesn't usually hold my interest, the female lead was totally kick ass though so kudo's to the author.