Wednesday, December 17, 2014

out of control

My Christmas shopping is getting out of control.

Really though...I think I'm all finished and then I find I forgot something/someone ugh. This is exhausting.

Finished the awaited L. Ione's Revenant though - while not my least favorite of the Demonica series, Blaspheme didn't do much for me. She was, then she wasn't. She is, then she isn't. It's kinda "eh".

Guess it's the theme this week...

Victoria Dahl's lead in Good Girls Don't is similar. It's looking like I'm not a fan of her style.I'm skimming through this one - I don't skim through Larissa Ione books.

I think I'll just go back and re-read Runa and Shade's story. I wonder what she'll do with Tracker? He seems like a stretch.