Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Not (only) some Mexican rose

we took a dna test from (A WONDERFUL GIFT for someone who has everything btw).

I'm about 1/3 native american, 1/3 spanish and a 1/3 a bit of several others bordering the Mediterranean.
I consider myself an American from Texas.
I'm proud of my descent from northern Mexico.
Visiting the Basque region in Spain (where my maiden name comes from) was amazing. 
I'm also proud of the Canadian influence that I got growing up in Calgary. 

His DNA came up 56% British. Fifty Six Percent!!! Brits are supposed to be mild mannered aren't they? What happened I wonder? ha...

I'm in a Max Stalling mood today! I like his visualization.
Jamie sings "I always figured lightning strike, or rattlesnake, or bar room fight would do me in - not some Mexican roseto me every time that part comes up. Ha!

I don't know about "a heart of black" but I do say mean things to him sometimes.  

He calls it my "Mexican-ness". 
I can't help it!
... nobody can make me as mad as he can!!....  
BUT there's no one better than me and he knows it!

Why's it gotta be my "mexican-ness"? It could be my TexAmeri CanMexican-ness 

or it could be -  Just Stop Pissing Me Off Ya Big JerkFace

Seriously though (back to the Pila song) - 
Dear Sir Dummy - in the song story - it is a fact you were hot and dumb. 
It's your stupidity that killed you. Don't blame the girl.