Wednesday, April 29, 2015

*squawk* am I really gonna do this?

So I've had two dreams now (yes dreams!) about starting a business. I swear it's a result of party planning chaos for this Derby party we're having this weekend...
I think I might actually follow through to see where it leads. I know me. I'm so fickle though so hopefully writing it down on my "diary" will give me further incentive.

And so i saw that #momoftheyear video. Normally I would say that she should've raised him to be smarter than being anywhere near there but teenagers are crazy so I guess I'll just say as long as she cares enough to do something about it when she can then you go lady!

I'm about half through with the second of the Unwind series. I'll say this, I usually don't like so many characters being introduced but this author does it to where I don't mind so much.....