Wednesday, April 22, 2015

yep I'm grumpy but I love food. I win!

Thai food lunch yummmmm - Pad See Ew beef / 4 (with chopsticks, cause ya gotta) is my friend to the end!

I wonder if people are as annoyed with me, cause I love food, as I am annoyed with people who won't try different kinds of food?

Not eating meat is one thing, but it drives me bonkers (and A HUGE character tell) if a person won't try something for the fact that they don't want to try something different. Yeah you might not like it but at least you can say you tried it. Right? Right!! ugh people are annoying me today.

More - saying "they're busy" - I'm thoroughly despising those words.

I'm reading a YA series called Unwind - yet another tragic YA series.
We'll see.

It looks like we're fixin' to maybe get another round of bad weather again too. boooo. My BB girl dog is going to be pacing all night.

Jamie also got earthquake coverage added to our insurance policy. Whoda thunk we'd ever need that around here!? Damn oil&gas drillers. -Not really though cause I know one and he's a super nice guy.- 

Soo...hmmm maybe not so happy me or Earth day today.....