Impromptu happy hour and nice weather made some in our group this happy last night.
Notice I just took the picture...
I think I'd hurt myself attempting to do this - conditions have to be perfect.
I signed this petition for uber (cause it's a no-brainer)
I've also facebook-liked my local and state representatives (regardless if I voted for them) - just so I can see what they're doing.
I would think it's just a part of getting older that I'm caring more about how "I'm" being represented and where my tax dollars are being spent.
Guess I'm just weird though...cause very few people I know around my age don't care. I'm surprised if they even vote the presidential election.
I bought the new Eloisa James.
Holding off on the new Ward book. I mean I get that the author spent hours/months to tell the story. But $12 is freakin expensive!! I think the hours I take reading it should count for something....
It's a digital book for cryin out loud! You didn't have to cut the tree down and produce it. I'm not even getting the book feel/smell that makes it doubly worth it.
I'm not paying $12!!!